Attis are based in the heart of Rias Baixas in Spain and are predominantly wine makers. In 2000, two brothers, Robustiano and Baldomero, decided to elevate wine making in the region and so set up their own business creating exceptional quality wines. They look after vineyards, harvest the grapes and make authentic, Atlantic, artisanal wines in house.
One of their wines, Attis Mar, is aged underwater, in the cold waters of the Atlantic sea for six months. The swaying of the wine underwater in the currents and in a total absence of light, maximises its ability to age and its flavour, and creates a totally unique bottle, covered in barnacles and molluscs. It also pairs phenomenally well with seafood, particularly molluscs, so Attios created a small, gourmet range of mussels to sell alongside.
As mussels grow on ropes, they create ecosystems, clean the waters and sequester carbon. They are one of the world’s most sustainable proteins. MCS rating: 1.
Rating Guide
Rating 1: Best choice, the most sustainably produced seafood.
Rating 2: Best choice, some aspects of production could be improved.
Rating 3: Not entirely sustainable at this time, okay to eat occasionally.
Rating 4: Improvements need to be made, potential environmental issues associated with these products.
Rating 5: Fish to be avoided.